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Sunday, 2 October 2011

Aryans, The Vedic Age

Dateline: Circa 1200 BC-600BC
The arrival of the Aryans in India around 1200 BC signalled the beginning of a new phase in Indian history, The Vedic Age. This particular period is significant in Indian history, the society that they set up still exists in some form or the other in todays India. This is also the first time in Indian history for which we have written records, since the Indus Valley Civilization script remains undeciphered. The Vedas while not necessarily accurate, do offer us a clue about the period.
The Aryans are believed to be of Central Asian origin who descended into the plains of India through the mountain passes of present day Afghanistan. The Aryans entered directly, bypassing Western Asia and Iran. They first spent a few generations in Afghanistan before finally descending into the plains. This is substantiated by the Vedas, which do not mention West Asia or Iran, but do mention the names of some of the rivers of Afghanistan. With the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization the Aryans became the dominant civilization of the region. However they were less advanced then their predecessors as they had yet to
develop urban living. Their entry may be perceived as a step back in the development of Indian civilization but they made tremendous contributions in developing religions and philosophy. The philosophy behind Hinduism got a definite shape during this period. The Aryan period may not have been the glorious age in a distant past when Gods mingled with men, that it is sometimes thought to be, but the Aryans did make tremendous contribution in the development of society. Sanskrit, one of the oldest languages of India was developed during this period. Many institutions of Indian life, especially those of the Hindus, trace their origins to this period.
Dateline: Circa 1200 BC-600BC
The arrival of the Aryans in India around 1200 BC signalled the beginning of a new phase in Indian history, The Vedic Age. This particular period is significant in Indian history, the society that they set up still exists in some form or the other in todays India. This is also the first time in Indian history for which we have written records, since the Indus Valley Civilization script remains undeciphered. The Vedas while not necessarily accurate, do offer us a clue about the period.
The Aryans are believed to be of Central Asian origin who descended into the plains of India through the mountain passes of present day Afghanistan. The Aryans entered directly, bypassing Western Asia and Iran. They first spent a few generations in Afghanistan before finally descending into the plains. This is substantiated by the Vedas, which do not mention West Asia or Iran, but do mention the names of some of the rivers of Afghanistan. With the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization the Aryans became the dominant civilization of the region. However they were less advanced then their predecessors as they had yet to develop urban living. Their entry may be perceived as a step back in the development of Indian civilization but they made tremendous contributions in developing religions and philosophy. The philosophy behind Hinduism got a definite shape during this period. The Aryan period may not have been the glorious age in a distant past when Gods mingled with men, that it is sometimes thought to be, but the Aryans did make tremendous contribution in the development of society. Sanskrit, one of the oldest languages of India was developed during this period. Many institutions of Indian life, especially those of the Hindus, trace their origins to this period. 

Aryans, The Vedic Age - Economy

Aryans, The Vedic Age - Society

Aryans, The Vedic Age - Religion

Aryans, The Vedic Age - Literature




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